[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th October 2009

A balanced diet for the mind…

 `If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles'

-George Herbert, 17th Century Poet


Just imagine what will happen if you take the same food every day. If you ignore the concept of a balanced diet, even if you take a large quantity of food, it will not be enough to keep your body fit. You need a variety of food such as carbohydrate, protein, water, mineral, fats etc to fuel your body and give you the necessary energy so that you carry on all the activities and remain fit.


The same analogy applies to the mind. The mind also needs a balanced diet in the form of good feelings, thoughts, emotions and new ideas. Every day you come across a lot of news items, read a variety of magazines and books. You read stories and jokes. Some magazines give you ideas and tips. There are crossword puzzles and tidbits. You need all this. You also need light reading material to relax. All these constitute mental diet. You need to have this rich variety to keep your mind fit and energetic.


Just think what will happen if you had only junk food and starved yourself of healthy nourishment. You will not have the requisite energy to sustain your activity level. The same applies to your mind also. If you do not feed your mind with healthy thoughts and ideas, you will become mentally weak.


So, every day set aside time for feeding your mind with healthy thoughts and ideas. Read good books and magazines. Read one autobiography of some one great every month. Collect thought provoking quotations. Join a humour club. Join a discussion group. See a good movie. Visit an art gallery.


See the difference in your mental health!


N C Sridharan



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