[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th October 2009

Stretching the mind…

The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.

Andrew Carnegie

Many of us experiment and find out how much we can stretch our body. We try to find out how much weight we can lift, how many miles we can run or swim, how many push ups we can do etc. Do we ever find out how much our mind can stretch? Our mind can stretch and we can find out our limits. In fact we should.


You can do some simple exercises. Sit in a quiet place and let your mind travel back to your past. Try to recall a picture of what you did one hour ago. See it as a video clipping. Now, `rewind' the mental VCR and see a clipping of what you did five hours ago. Like this way slowly go back and `see' what you did this time yesterday. Like this try to go back as much as possible and see the `clippings' of your actions as if some one has video covered you and is playing the same for you. Check for the quality of the picture and see how clear the picture is. See if you can see the scene as a panoramic picture. `Hear' the various voices and recall each face as you watch the picture. See the picture in a 3 D format.


Some will be able to do this exercise without much difficulty and some others have to strain a bit. When you practice this regularly, you will be able to stretch your mind to `see' a picture far back in the past. Making a mental picture and stretching improves the right side of your brain. The right side of the brain is the most creative side of your brain. By activating the right side of your brain, you will be able to see life in a larger perspective. You will become more creative and innovative. The difference between those who achieve great things and those who achieve ordinary things depends on how they use the right side of the brain.


Try and stretch your mind as see the difference.



N C Sridharan



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