[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th October 2009


Wild dreaming….


A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday. As to the morrow, time enough to consider it when

it becomes today.

Edward G Bulwer-Lytton


Your mind has no limit or boundary. The so-called limitations are not imposed upon us. We accept them. Our mind is an excellent instrument and very people, if at all, have made enough use of it. Many of our life's ambitions are born in our mind. First it originates as a small idea and if properly nourished, it grows into a massive implementable action plan. If we do not pay attention to our mind's small signals, over a period of time, it will stop giving us such useful start up ideas.


This week end, take a piece of paper and just write down what ever you want in your life in the same order it comes to your mind. Don't stop the flow. Don't become critical. Just write. Write down anything you want to see, read, hear, taste, feel, experience, explore…Let the mind really go wild with imagination.


Then classify the items in the list into material wants, spiritual wants, personal wants, family wants, career wants, relationship wants, social wants, etc. While listing be bold and daring, let not anything stop you. Neither your financial position nor your educational qualification should stop you from adding variety to your list. Don't bother as to what others will say. Let them say what they want.


Keep on writing until you have nothing to write. If there is nothing new coming, take a break, gaze through the windows, take a stroll, and then come back and write again. Write down everything you wish for in your life.


One day your wish will take a final shape in the form of a strategy. Revisit your list some five years later and you will be really surprised that some of them have started seeing the light of the day!


What are you waiting for? Get a pen and paper and start writing….


N C Sridharan



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