[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th October 2009

Mental workouts…

Minds, like bodies, will fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort.

Charles Dickens

Try this exercise: sit on the ground and be there without moving your body for about one hour and try getting up. You will feel giddy and you will not be able to stand up immediately. Since you have not used the body for a long time it gets frozen. The same thing happens if you have not opened a door for a long time or not used the car for months together. The door will not open and the car will not start.


In the same way, if we do not give sufficient work to our mind, it will get `stuck' and will become inefficient. Just like an athlete keeps the body fit and active by going to the gym everyday and working out, we need to visit our `mental gym' and exercise so that we are mentally active and alert. With the invention of many gadgets, we give less and less work to our mind. Even for simple calculations we use the calculator. For problem solving we use computers and other devises. We do not give enough work to our mind compared to what our parents and grand parents did.


Our mind becomes out of shape if we do not give challenging assignments to it. We have to do something to get out of this trap.


Learn a new language. Solve a crossword puzzle. Try juggling three balls. Learn music. Solve a Rubik cube. Go to a new place and explore the area. Find out unknown facts about known things. Count 1000 numbers backwards skipping alternate numbers. Count 1000 numbers forward skipping every fourth number. Do mental arithmetic. Write a story. Stop reading a story and construct the balance yourself. Recall a scene you have already seen and see it vividly in your mental screen.


Do something please; exercise your brain, since you have to be mentally fit!


N C Sridharan



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