[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th April 2011

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

We have to learn many things from people who have achieved great things in life. In my NLP seminars I talk about modelling human excellence. I mean modelling and not duplicating human excellence. There is a big difference between modelling and duplicating. When we duplicate something, the value is not the same as the original.

Modelling human excellence means that we internalise three things form the person we model. We model their values, belief system and their external behaviour. If we don't internalise the values and belief system of successful people, and duplicate only their external behaviour, it will not stay for long time. It is something life planting a plant without the roots! It will wither away over a period of time.

Take for example the trait of working hard tackling every setbacks we me came across. The choice is ours. We can give up or we can persevere. It is a question of willpower and mindset. It is a frame of mind and attitude.

Let me quote one more example from the World Cup cricket match. You would have noticed Dhoni suffering a muscle pull. You would have noticed his facial expression showing acute pain and suffering. The easiest thing for him is retire hurt and I am sure no one would have accused him, even though people would have been disappointed. But he sought the help of experts and became alright in a few minutes time and continued his game and went on to hit the winning sixer! He would not have done this if he had not loved his game.

This is what we have to model from successful people. We have to love our  job with the same intensity with which Dhoni loves cricket!

N C Sridharan



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