[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th April 2011

"Play the game for the games sake is my advice to the youngsters coming on and keep your eye on the ball."

Don Bradman

Next time when you watch a cricket match, notice the intensity of concentration of the bowler when he delivers the ball. For that matter, notice the concentration of the batsman as gets ready to face the ball. Also notice how the fielders are alert to stop the ball when the ball travels towards them. Notice the wicketkeeper and observe how he is preparing himself to collect the ball.

The concentration these players bring to their work is amazing, to say the least. When the master batsman waits to face the ball, his concentration is 100.00% on the game. There is nothing else in his mind.

Now, recall the concentration we bring to our job. Do we display that concentration when we work? We complain that we are disturbed and that there are distractions. Consider the distraction when a cricketer is batting. Consider the crowd watching the match and the level of noise. Compare that with the number people surrounding us and the noise level when we work! If they can concentrate in spite of such level of disturbance and distraction, think how much we can concentrate in our situation.

Nearly forty years ago, I had the chance to listen to the then Captain of West Indian cricket team, Garry Sobers. I was a student in Loyola College, Chennai. At that time Garry Sobers was at the peak of his fame and an acknowledged batsman. One student asked him how he is able to play every ball so well. The answer he gave was very interesting. He said that he had trained his eyes so well that he could see every ball as big as a football and hence he was able to meet the ball at the middle of his bat!

I was stunned at the strategy – seeing every ball as big as a football!

Next time when you are at your workplace, imaging that you are a Tendulkar or a Dhoni, and bring in the concentration and focus that they bring in to their game. Do this modelling exercise for a month and notice the quality of your output!

N C Sridharan



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