[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


14th April 2011

`I will know how much impact my elbow is going to take only when I play more. Frankly it is too early to when I will come back'

Sachin Tendulkar

In a cricket match, there are eleven players watching one batsman very keenly. Their only aim is to catch him committing one mistake and eliminate him from the game. As far as the batsman is concerned, no matter how well he played every ball, if he plays just one ball badly, he is out. The batsman should outsmart the eleven players.

So in life. Others are watching us. Our competitors are watching us even more keenly. If we make just one mistake, we lose. It is not how smart you are which is important. What is even more important is how you are going to outsmart your competitors. Whether we like it or not, we live in a world of competition and it is the age of the survival of the fittest.

What happens in net practice is very interesting. Every player wants to work on his weakness by practicing at the net. A player does not straight away to the field to play his game. For every one hour he is at the field, he practices several hours in the nets. Every player has his own coach, his physical fitness expert and he has experts to advise him on how to keep up his mental fitness. He has experts to advise him even on his diet.

Compare this with our approach to our profession. Do we invest time to keep ourselves fit physically and mentally? Do we spend our time to improve our skill set? Do we benchmark our ability with international bests?

We can watch a game of cricket either for entertainment or for learning some important life lessons. It's up to us to decide!

N C Sridharan



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