[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd November, 2009

Your mind is a multimedia system…


The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he justly entitled.

Andrew Carnegie

Your mind has enormous capacity and hardly any one has do used even a minute percentage of its potential. Many of us think and we can due only a few things at a time. It is not true. While it is good to develop our ability to focus and concentrate on one thing at a time, it is correct to conclude that we can concentrate on only one thing at a time. Capacity is different and usage is different.


Think about a multimedia computer system. While you are typing a page on a word document, the system can send and receive  data through the e-mail. It could also browse a website. At the same time you may also be scanning the system for virus. While you are doing all this, you could also listening to music through the audio CD inserted into the system. The computer can do all these simultaneously, without one interfering with the performance of the other. That is how the computer is configured. It is how it is designed.


A computer is after all an invention of the human brain and after all the human brain is triggered and operated through the human mind. If the man made computer can be made to perform several tasks simultaneously at the same time, the master computer, our mind can do several thousand more tasks than a mechanical device such as a computer can.


The only difference is that we have taken pains to understand the programme and the functioning of the computer, but we have not taken the effort to understand how to tap the full potential and capacity of the mind. If properly trained, we can do wonders with the mind by making it perform several things at the same time.


How can this be done? Read further….



N C Sridharan



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