[Time-Management] 365 Thoughts for Self Development!


1st April 2013

Close Your Eyes

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life â€" think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is the way great spiritual giants are produced.

â€" Swami Vivekananda


Try a very difficult exercise today! Keep your eyes closed for a solid 10 minutes! Stop reading this; set the timer in your mobile for 10 minutes; determine that you will remain eyes-closed for a solid 10 minutes, and close your eyes. You should not open your eyes until the timer goes off. You will realise how difficult it is.

Our mind and attention is mainly distracted by our eyes and our ears. If only we control these two sensory organs, we can substantially improve our concentration and focus. Whenever you are travelling by a car (and if you are not driving!), try this self imposed training. Focus all your attention on some important issue that you are presently handling. By keeping your eyes closed, you will be able to focus all your thoughts around the issue on hand. Slowly you can increase the duration of this exercise.

Try this today!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 365 Thoughts for Self Development!


29th March 2013

Learn to Breathe Right

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.

Sanskrit Proverb


If you observe a new born child breathing, you will realise how we have spoilt our breathing over a period of time! Newborn babies do what is called ‘diaphragmatic breathing’. They inhale fully, pause, and exhale fully. This process makes them healthy.

Today you meet any yoga master. They will explain the scientific reason behind the yogic breathing exercise called pranayama. In this yoga exercise, we are advised to inhale very fast, hold the air in our diaphragm and exhale very slowly. If you think for a while, you will understand the reason for this process: If the air is retained in the lungs for a longer time, the air is purified in the lungs and the cleaned, richly oxygenated air is absorbed by the blood vessels and is supplied to the brain; a richly oxygenated brain virtually becomes a powerhouse  giving us the much needed energy to fire us into action.

From today, make it a point to breathe well for fifteen minutes early morning and take advantage of the ozone rich air and watch what happens to your health!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 365 Thoughts for Self Development!


28th March 2013

Use Both Hands

An idle brain is the devil's workshop.

English Proverb


A few days ago, I suggested left-hand writing as a brain gym exercise. A quick response from a reader that these days we do not write, but only type! This is good news in fact. Over a period of time, we have become predominantly one-handed. In some cultures, it is a taboo to use the left hand and the left leg. The idea behind the other hand writing of the brain gym is to integrate the right and the left hemispheres of the brain by using both hands.

I suggest that you should indulge in any activity, which uses both the hands. When writing we are using only one hand. While typing we use both the hands and thus typing itself is a brain gym exercise! In addition, you can do other activities such as swimming, cooking, playing a stringed or percussion instrument, rowing and yoga, in which you have to use both hands.

Today, pick up an activity which will involve using both hands. Why don’t you start cooking? You will be earning a double benefit!

N C Sridharan




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[Time-Management] 365 Thoughts for Self Development!


27th March 2013

Free Writing

You know you've got to exercise your brain just like your muscles.

Will Rogers


In the previous chapter, I talked about the importance of developing the Right Side of the brain and I suggested an exercise. Free writing is another powerful exercise to activate your Right Side of the brain. Free writing means taking a paper and pen and just writing anything that comes to your mind spontaneously. The Right Side of the brain is spontaneous and does not think logically. Hence, when you write whatever that comes to your mind, you are activating the Right Side of your brain.

Today buy a notebook. Ensure that you are not interrupted for the next fifteen minutes; open the first page, take a pen and just write whatever comes to your mind. In the beginning, perhaps you may not write much. But continue to write. Over a period of time words will flow. Don’t look for any meaning or logic while doing this. Just write. Date the page. Do it every day. After six months browse through the pages and you will notice something different!

What are you waiting for? Start today!

N C Sridharan




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