[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th June 2010

"Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you."

-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The world is not a perfect place and we are here to perfect the society around us. When we see people around us behaving not so perfectly, we blame them, complain about them or criticize them. Sometimes we label them that they are not good. However, this approach is not going to make any difference. We will end up advocating the principle of helplessness.

If you think for a while, you will understand that we can make a difference in our own way to redeem the society. We can give the world the best we have and `enroll' people whom we know into this movement. If we do this honestly and sincerely, this `redemption movement' will gain momentum. Over a period of time we will see more people becoming proactive and taking the first step which they can take to make their contribution.

This is how any movement starts. Today you resolve to do what you are doing in the best way. Ask yourself if you can improve your performance and sincerely implement. List at least five persons whom you want to talk today to share this idea. Let those five people bring another five people and allow this movement to catch on.

Don't try to change world. First change yourself and some people who are very near to you. Do this sincerely and set aside a time frame everyday to this important society building portfolio and see the result over a period of time. You will notice that what goes around will come around!

N C Sridharan



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