[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th June 2010




"Ask for the job you want. Ask for the salary you want. Ask for the responsibilities you want."


-- Brian Tracy

Anything given to us without our asking for will not have high value. In fact the harder we ask and yearn and get, the more will be its value to us. Anything which is offered to us without our asking for will not be respected and valued by us. If we ask for a job and get the same, we will work to our maximum capacity. We will love what we asked and got.


Many of us feel shy or perhaps afraid of asking for the salary we want. We need to understand that we have a commercial value for our time and our time is a marketable commodity. Any marketable commodity is sold and the sale price takes into account the value addition that has gone in making the product saleable. So is our time. We have to add value o our time by acquiring such skill and knowledge so that we produce a value for the money that is offered to us.


The third component is the responsibility. If we ask and get the responsibility, we will love it and we will not get irritated in the discharge of the same. We may have to struggle to discharge our responsibility. We may have to undergo a lot of stress and tension. But if we had asked for the responsibility and got the same, we will love the tension and stress that goes with it. In short, we will become passionate in doing what is entrusted to us.


List three things which you got after asking and three other things which was offered to you without your asking. Notice which you love most and you will understand the meaning of the above quotation!


N C Sridharan



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