[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th June 2010

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction."

Winston Churchill

We are always busy, but the question is busy in doing what? We are always working; the question is what we are working at? We are always communicating, but the question is what are we communicating? We are always thinking, but the question is what are we thinking? Similarly we are always changing, but the question is, is the change good or bad?

The one thing which does not change is change itself. Lot of changes is taking place, both inside us as well as outside. By the time you finished reading this sentence, some cell would have grown and some cell would have died in your body. Some thoughts would have entered your mind and some other thoughts would have left your mind.

In a factory, production takes place-both good products as well as scrap. No one produces a scrap intentionally. Scrap is a natural process. Similarly, some unwanted changes also take place in us like the weeds that grow with good plants.

We have to do a self audit once in a year to check the quality and direction of change in us. Perhaps we can choose the New Year Day or our birth day which are emotional. We can make two lists, one in which we list all the good changes that we have made in our life and the other in which all the not so good changes.  For example, `I have changed my food habit by saying no to oily food' and `I have started social drinking'. After making the two lists, check which list is longer and this will tell you which way you are progressing and whether the change is for good or for worse!

N C Sridharan,



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