[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st July 2010


The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore.

Vincent Van Gogh

In life where we focus is very important. We have a choice to focus either on the opportunities or the problems we will have to face if we want to use the opportunities. What we choose will decide the quality of our life. When we look at a half glass of water, either you can say that the glass is half full or half empty. It all depends on where you look.

In our life, we have to take risk if we want to be successful. Success is not an overnight affair. It doesn't `happen'. We have to make it happen. The reality is, the higher you aim, the more will be the challenges. If you want to achieve bigger things in life, you will have to take bigger risks. You will have to get ready for bigger tension and stress. You will be ready to find more and more difficulty people. You may have to acquire higher order of skills and knowledge.

In life we pass through the dilemma of having to choose between the reasons for achieving a goal, or the excuses for not achieving the same. If you balance the reasons and the excuses, you will choose whichever weighs more. If the reasons outweigh the excuses, you are tempted to take the risk.

Over this weekend, you can do an exercise. Choose on big task you have in mind, but hesitant to start your efforts for some fear or other. create two columns and list all the reasons why you want this result in your life, and all the risks and challenges that you will face in your process of working for the goal. Ponder over the same, meditate on the various issues and weigh both the sides. You will notice the clarity that you get from this exercise.

Either you will get obsessed with your goal, or quit!

NC Sridharan



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