[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


4th October 2012

`The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart'
Helen Keller

Have you come across people who are `emotionally blind'? Sounds strange, isn't? If you are physically blind, you cannot see the objects in front of you. When you are emotionally blind, you cannot notice others' emotions appreciate their feelings!

Emotionally blind people cannot:

  • Notice the anger in other people.
  • Notice how people feel internally.
  • Cannot understand and respect the emotional outbursts of others.
  • Cannot reciprocate the emotions others undergo.
  • Cannot read the emotional expressions on the face of others.

The list can be endless. Emotionally blind people cannot understand the emotional side of the communication. They cannot express their emotions either. Words will have literal meanings to them. They will find it difficult to empathize with others. They will find it difficult to enter into the world of other people and look at things from their perspective. Emotionally blind people will not look beyond the external behaviour and understand the intention behind the same.

Physical blindness can be corrected by others. But emotional blindness can be corrected only by the person concerned.

Are you emotionally blind?

N C Sridharan



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