[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd July 2010



"If what you're working for really matters, you'll give it all you've got."

Nido Qubein


The key word in the above quotation is `if'. We are always busy doing something or other. Our time is always occupied by some activity or other. Our mind is always occupied by some thought or other. We are always engaged in some communication or other. Either we communicate with others, or we are in communication with ourselves. The key issue is: does it really matters? If the work we are doing really matters, if the thought that is occupying our mind really matters, if what I am writing really matters, I will be totally committed and involved.


In our daily life we met a number of people. Sometimes we exchange our business card. After a few days do you remember where you kept the business card of a particular person? If you remember the same, this means that the person really mattered. If you search and search the business card of a person even the very next day, more of often than not, it may mean that the person did not matter much in your life!


This principle is very relevant for investing our time on important projects. Whenever you pick up a project, you need to ask the question: what does this project mean to me? Does it really matter? How this project is going to transform my life? How will I feel when I complete this project? What will I miss if I don't get this project across? Your frank answer to these powerful questions will decide the focus, effort and the concentration you will bestow on your task. You will devote full attention, you will not get irritated and angry while working for a project which matters most for you.


Believe it when I say: we can play tricks with anybody, but we cannot trick our mind!


N C Sridharan



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