[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


5th December 2011

I am sure you would have thought about the `suspicious' person moving around the airport. Some of you would have thought that he is a terrorist, or a thief lifting other's suitcase, etc. But, the truth is this: that person was myself! I will tell you what happened before this scene I described to you:

I boarded an ATR flight to go to a training event. You many aware that in a small ATR aircraft, you have to check your large suitcase which I did. I misplaced the boarding pass in which the counterfoil of the baggage check in sticker was stuck. I know that after collecting my baggage from the conveyor, I may have to show this to the security if they ask for it. So I decided that I will collect my checked in baggage, remove the baggage tag and walk out and the security may take it as a hand baggage. My conscience was clear since I was not doing anything unlawful. So I wanted a secluded place to remove the tag and carried out my `operation suitcase'! My mind was tense, since I was trying to cover up a mistake. In this state of mind, as I was moving away to the exit gate, I noticed that I had picked up someone else suitcase which resembled mine and had removed the baggage tag! I realised the mistake, went back to the conveyor put the suitcase back on the conveyor and picked up mine, removed the baggage take and then walked out, with a sigh of relief!

Now tell me, are your assumptions about that `suspicious man' true? Supposing, instead of you, the owner of the suitcase had seen what I did, what he would have done? If he had been a police officer how he would have reacted? Will anyone believe my `story'?

Now I am sure will understand the meaning and relevance of the NLP presupposition `the map is not the territory'!

The next NLP presupposition we are going to experience is another exciting one! Experience this anxiety for one more day…..

N C Sridharan



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