[Time-Management] Why NLP, Why Mind Issues?


7th December 2011

Why NLP, Why Think and Read About Mind - 2?

I thought I should stress the need for understanding why we behave the way we do. Human beings are sensitive to feelings and we are driven by our feelings. Our feelings are decided by our attitude. Unless and until the attitudes are `formatted', we will not display an external behaviour.

Before I wrote my `100 Exciting Days to Live', I interviewed over five hundred people who displayed all the 100 behaviours that I have discussed in my book. I was quite excited about them and I tried to implement some of them before I wrote them. I did not find it easy. I could do it for a few days, but could not sustain the same for long. I had to put myself in their shoes, think the way they thought, experience what they experienced and `be them'. When I did it, I was able to duplicate their `mental programme'.

I understood, how important is the issue called `experience' and how experience has a structure! That is what the next NLP presupposition: `experience has a structure'! if we understand the meaning of this, we will be able to easy change our habits like the way we change our shirt!

Curious to know? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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