[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


13th December 2011

The wonderful thing about the mind is, it is `mutable'. The word `mutable' is an adjective which means, is `able or tending to change'. We can change our mind. We pass through various experiences in life, some good and some bad. There are feelings attached to our experiences, and the feelings are `mutable', if we decide to do so.

I am going to say something, which might look funny to some of you: we can speak to our mind! Yes, we can speak to our mind, like we speak to our friends and relatives. In fact, we are speaking to our mind and our mind is replying to the various questions we pose to the mind. We and our mind debate and arrive at various conclusions and decisions. We may not be conscious, we may not be aware of it. But this goes on.

In the context of the phobia to dogs, we can talk to our mind. As I said earlier, at a time when I am a child, my mind rightly warned me to be careful with dogs, and my mind went one step further and convinced me that I should avoid dogs `forever'. This is where, my mind has done a small damage, though with all good intentions. I need to reeducate my mind by giving, what in NLP called, `counter examples'. I need to thank my mind for the care it wants to take and protect me from dogs. At the same time, I should start noticing that after all there are so many dog lovers and there are numerous examples of how dogs are used as people's best friend.

More about it in my next newsletter…

N C Sridharan



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