[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


8th December 2011

`Experience has a structure' is a very important and interesting NLP presupposition which will help you understand your behaviours as well as othrs' beviours.

Any living thing has feelings and we understand the world through our feelings. Our feelings trigger a thought process and our thoughts decide our actions. In the case of human beings, the thoughts also influence our emotions and attitude to life. We experience positive and negative feelings and unless and until we neutralize our feelings old thoughts will not disappear and hence new behaviours will not occur!

When you touch fire, you experience pain and you will not touch fire again. On the other hand, if you experience pleasure by touching fire, you will treat that pain as pleasure, and you will want to touch fire again. So touching or not touching fire is not a random behaviour, but triggered by your experience which structures your response to touching fire.

Understanding this simple but common sense principle will help you to overcome issues such as fear, phobia, and negative emotions and drive you to reach your goals in life. There are NLP processes which will make you to do this!

Keep reading….

NC Sridharan



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