[Time-Management] Why NLP and mind issues?


6th December 2011

Why NLP, Why Think and Read About Mind?

While I am trying to present to you the fantastic subject called the `mind' and its various manifestations and dimensions, I started getting some feedback from the readers. Some tell me that the previous topics were more easy to understand and simple than what I am writing now.

In fact I also felt easy to write the those newsletters.

But, you should know that it is easy to `advice', `tell' and `inform' people what they should do to reach their outcomes in life. But, telling is not doing. Unless and until the mind is influenced and triggered, action will not follow.

For example, go and read the first page of my book `100 Exciting Ways to Live'  where I discussed about the importance of daily discipline. Anyone will agree that it is simple common sense and very easy to implement. But we will not implement. Similarly, we all know that procrastination is a negative energy and we can read books in how to come out of it. But after laying the book down, we will still not do what is to be done on that day!

So, I decided to write on `mind', since we should know how to use mind to our advantage. My fifteen years of intensive training in NLP, has given me the knowhow of how to understand myself and others and mind issues.

Hence this series, `Mind, O, My Dear Mind!'!

NC Sridharan



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