[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind! (Revised)


9th December 2011

When we go through an experience, the mind learns something. In fact I have been saying in many forums that mind is controlling the brain function and that once the mind is tickled, the brain function is set into motion.

Let us say that we get locked up in a dark room and we suffer an emotional threat. The mind quickly understands that the situation is dangerous and alerts the brain. The brain in turn secretes some chemicals and hormones, which decide the speed with which we respond. If the traumatic experience continues, we will go through the same internal response to darkness and locked room throughout our life, since our mind sincerely wants to protect us.

I know a person who came to me with a problem on heights. He will feel very uneasy whenever he has to use a lift. He will sweat and go through lot of tension. In fact, it had cost his job more than once. He resigned his lucrative job for the only reason that his office was shifted to the fourth floor of a building. On another occasion, when he was asked to travel by air on an urgent work, he refused and quit his job!

When I went into the origin of how he landed himself in such a state, I came to know that when he was a six month old baby, his father will throw him up and catch him, even though he was afraid and was crying!

Now you can relate what the NLP presupposition `experience has a structure' means?

N C Sridharan



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