[Time-Management] Buy a Book, Help a Child!


Buy a Book, Help a Child!

`Vaname Ellai' is a registered trust with exemption under Sec 80G of the Income Tax Act.

`Vaname Ellai' is into school and student related social work which includes running a Tamil Monthly magazine, free training programmes and mentoring to students, parents and teachers.

The entire proceeds of our books `IGNITE', `Arise, Awake, Take Charge' and `100 Exciting Ways to Live' is donated to Vaname Ellai to fund the various activities of the trust.

Every book purchased will light the life of some child somewhere.

For details contact:
timeline@vsnl.com; vanameellai@gmail.com; mindline@sify.com

Mobile: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan


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