[Time-Management] Lets Guide Our Students!


Dear readers,

The recent news of a school boy murdering his class teacher would have shocked all of us. While we will not support what the boy did, I am sure you will agree with me that we should also look beyond the behaviour of the boy and look at the social context in which our children are brought up today.

If you are able to read this, you should thank your teacher who taught you to read. Let us spend a minute over this weekend to offer prayer to the teacher who died and pray the Almighty to guide our children and youth so that such things do not happen.

Let us spend one day every month in some school to guide our children on moral and ethical values.

I am sure you are aware that I spend a major portion of my time to mentor students and educate parents how to bring up their children with values and discipline. I offer this service to any school or parent free of cost as part of my personal social responsibility.

I also donate the entire proceeds of all my books to the charitable trust `Vaname Ellai' which is into school based educational and mentoring service.

Today's children need proper guidance and healthy parenting. If this is not done, students have lot of scope to lose their focus in life.

N C Sridharan



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