[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


16th February 2012

I do not know if you have downloaded the Perceptual Position – Time Line Matrix from my website. If you have not done, please do so. This will help you to understand what I am going to present in the next few pages.

Figure one represents a well balanced person. If you notice the nine boxes, they are of equal size. Such a person will be able to evaluate his decisions from the time line perspective as well as from the perceptual position perspective.

I will suggest a simple exercise. On the floor draw the matrix given in fig 1. Let the matrix be large enough to accommodate a chair or a stool on which you can sit. Think for a few minutes and jot down an important decision you want to take. For example, `I want to quit my job and start my own business'.

Place the chair in box 1 and look at the decision from your own point of view as it relates to today. Forget about the past and the future and all others. Then place the chair in box 2 and look at the same decision and relate the same with your past experience and how the same will influence a person who is closely associated with you, such as your spouse. Then place the chair in box 3 and relate your decision as to how similar decisions in the past would have appealed to an independent person who is not emotionally connected with your decision. You can even go and consult such a person.

Similarly do it with reference to all the nine boxes. Every time you sit in a box, make it a point to connect with the decision you are likely to take and sincerely think. do jot down the feelings you get.

Stop reading and do this exercise!

N C Sridharan



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