[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


8th February 2012

The willingness to take the point of view of the other person is an important human value. In fact it is the most critical trait to maintain a healthy inter personal relationship. We live in  a society where we need to develop a mutually supportive and respectful relationship. We alone should succeed, but we cannot succeed alone!

I recall a personal experience I had several years ago when I hired a taxi to travel from Bangalore to Mysore in India. The company which runs the taxi service is a very reputed company. They took their utmost care to send me a very good car. I chose the best travel plan so that my daughter, who was at that time ten years, could thoroughly enjoy the trip. The driver was neatly dressed and everything was just the way we wanted.

But the trouble started the moment entered the highway. The driver started playing some cinema songs and he seemed to enjoy the same. After a while we requested him to stop the same and gave him a CD in which our daughter had some songs of her choice. But the driver `very politely' refused to play our album! We requested him several times, the more we asked the more stubborn be became.

The only reason he told was: `I will feel sleepy if I don't listen to these songs!'.

I am sure you will guess what a wonderful holiday we would have had!

The reason for this behaviour of the driver? Lack of appreciation of the `other' point of view!

I narrated this incidence in one of my seminars. One participant gave another very interesting incident.

Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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