[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


9th February 2012

After my yesterday's mail, there has been a lot of feedback on the behaviour of the driver. Many feel that what the driver did was in the interest of the safety of the passengers.

The main point is not whether the driver should listen to the music of his choice or the music album given by the customers. The issue is on the quality of customer service, which is very important in the context of tough business competition.

In my previous mail, I had said that I will share with you another incident connected with the same context. Sometime back I attended a seminar on Customer Delight, a subject which was oft discussed some ten years ago. A consultant presented a slide show of what all he noticed in a taxi which he used in Bombay (now Mumbai airport). I give below the same:

  • Railway and airlines time table;
  • Newspaper;
  • Thoughts book;
  • Note pad and pen;
  • Loose change which the passenger can exchange for his currency;
  • Postage stamps and envelops for the passenger to use.

In fact, there was a music player in the taxi and the control for the same was near the passenger's seat so that he can stop it if he does not want to hear the same. He said that he was very pleased with the experience and even today he recalls the taxi driver as his role model.

The main issue is: are we empathetic to the feelings and emotions of others and are we connecting with them emotionally.

N C Sridharan



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