[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


7th February 2012

Is there a relationship between being effective in a role and perceptual position? In my experience as a head of personnel and human resources, I have come across instances when some people highly effective in one role, but becomes a miserable failure in another job. The company realises that the person becomes a `misfit' all of a sudden. After my deep exposure into NLP, I was able to establish a link between the internal programming and job effectiveness.

Let us take the job requirement of the following positions:

  1. Research and development engineer;
  2. Marketing executive;
  3. Production supervisor;
  4. A Chef in a restaurant;
  5. A teacher in a school;
  6. An anesthetist helping a surgeon in an operation theater;
  7. A Judge hearing a case in a court hall.

Should an R&D engineer be looking at his proposed model from `self' perspective or from the `other' perspective of the marketing department or the customer?  If a Judge does not take the `observer' position and listens impartially to both the parties, what will be the quality of his judgment? Should not a Chef look at his pudding from the point of view of the person who is going to eat it? If a teacher in a school teaches from the `self' position without trying to evaluate his teaching ability from the point of view of the student?

Ponder over this issue and think if there could be a strong relationship between their internal wiring and the demands in their job! In the next issue I am going to give an interesting experience I had with a tourist cab driver…

Getting curious? Wait till tomorrow…

N C Sridharan



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