[Time-Management] Mind, O My Dear Mind!


14th February 2012

Have you ever come across the following types of persons in your life?

  • He looks at the world from his own point of view, enjoys every moment, never plans for the future, forgets lessons learnt from past experience;
  • He looks at every situation from someone's point of view, even though harmful to his interest, sacrificing his and his family  future interest;
  • He only talks about what happened to him in the past, refuses to plan for the future, will not forgive any wrong thing done to him by others;
  • He plans and plans and plans for the future, but does nothing to today!

When you come across such people, you may not like what they speak, and if try to correct them, they will go back to their original version unmindful of whatever you say.

You have to understand that it is their internal programme. Just like a circuit board in an electronic gadget, they are driven by their internal programme. Just as you cannot make the gadget to act in any other way as long as this circuit board is there, so you cannot change these people as long as you don't change this internal orientation.

I want you to understand how the time line and perceptual position trigger your various external behaviours and thinking process.

However, you have to wait for a day!

N C Sridharan



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