[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th December 2010


Greatness is attained only by the thinking of great thoughts.

 Wallace D. Wattles


I read somewhere that thought is the ancestor for any action. All our actions emanate from our thoughts only. As our thoughts, so will be our actions. If we think of big things in life, we will fix noble goals. We have to be aware of what our capacity is and how the same can be used to tap the full opportunity the world presents to us. In fact, if you think for a while, you will understand that there are two things which are uniform to all of us: our capacity and the external opportunity. I have been repeatedly writing that the content of our brain is uniform across the human race. If at all there is a difference, the difference in only in the way we use the same. The way we want to use our brain depends on our mind. Thoughts are formed in the mind and not in the brain!


Great thoughts lead to great thinking and great thinking lead to great efforts and great efforts lead to great achievements. We are limited by our own thinking. Our limitations are not imposed on us, but they are accepted by us.


Once in a year, we should spend some time to think of what Jim Collins calls as `BEHAG' which stands for `Big Hairy Audacious Goal'. We have to think of a goal which is much bigger than our present achievement level. Have you heard of Mark Inglis? He stood on the top on Mount Everest on 15th May 2006. You may ask what's so great about it? Nothing, except that he was the first ever double amputee to scale Mount Everest!


Lance Edward Armstrong won the Tour de France race a record number of seven consecutive times. You may ask what's so great about it? Nothing, except that he did this after he was diagnosed to be suffering from testicular cancer!


Over this weekend, can you think of a BHAG in your personal and professional life?

N C Sridharan



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