[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th December 2010


You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere

Lee Iacocca


We need to be sensitive to how others receive our communication. We need to appreciate that communication is from the mind of one person that of another person. It is not from the mouth of one person to the ear drum of another person! Once we understand this simple principle, we will know how to be sensitive to the soft aspect of communication.


The purpose of any communication is to create an impact in the mind of the receiver. It is not merely a mechanical process. A transmission of message from a speaker to a tape recorder is a mechanical process. But a human communication is an emotional process. The NLP Presupposition `the purpose of communication is the response you get' focuses on the result of the communication and not on the content of the communication.


In my interaction with very senior corporate executives  in my life skills seminars, I notice a direct connection between successful career and ability to communicate effectively. Effective communication is even more important when you want to change the mindset of people. Combining presence of mind, sense of humour, voice modulation, inflection etc are very important in deciding the impact of communication.


Recently I was listening to a professor who was speaking on the need to take failures and success equally. The whole audience broke into laughter when he said this: `It's not every time that Sachin Tendulkar hits a ton in cricket. There are occasions where he gets out at a hundred runs short of a well deserved century!'.


Notice the humour – a hundred runs short of a well deserved century!


N C Sridharan




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