[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th December 2010


"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others."

David Seabury


Success or failure is not whether you put in the necessary amount of effort, but on the quality of effort. It is not hard work, but the quality of involvement and commitment that you bring into the work.  People fail not due to the absence of goal or aspiration, but due to lack of commitment. You go and ask anyone. Everyone will have a goal. More often than not, people will have ambitious goals too.


Enthusiasm is a result of how much emotional value you attach to your goal. Ask yourself if the goal is very important or if so the degree of importance. The more important the goal, the more you will yearn to get the same. You will get totally involved in the process of reaching your goal.


People who complain of lack of team spirit are those who assign a low emotional value to their goal. You may not agree, but it is true. If you consider the goal as a life and death issue, you will get the energy and perseverance. You will have the mental and the physical stamina.


Someone told me a story of a cheetah chasing a rabbit. The rabbit outran the cheetah and ultimately the cheetah had to give up. But before giving up, the cheetah asked the rabbit as to how he was able to outrun the fastest cheetah. For this the rabbit replied that while the cheetah ran for food, he ran for life!


If you value your goal, you will get the speed and the energy. Your enthusiasm will be contagious and in addition to empowering yourself, you will also be empowering others!

N C Sridharan



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