[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


13th December 2010


Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it.

~ Robertson Davies


Can you imagine yourself to be a double amputee, but wanting to climb Mount Everest? This is want Mark Inglis did! Can you imagine yourself to be deaf, dumb and blind, but wanting to make a difference in the world and ultimately win Nobel Prize? This is the story of Helen Keller. Can you imagine to be sufferance from a rare nerve degeneration disease, but wanting to be the most intelligent person in 21st Century? This is what Prof. Hawking has done!  Can you believe a person being dismissed for lacking in creativity becoming the world's most popular creative person? This is the life story of Walt Disney.


A petrol pump attendant boy become Dhirubhai Ambani. The boy who suffered from Dyslexia became Albert Einstein in his later years. So did Thomas Alva Edison. John Milton was blind, Beethoven was deaf and Michael Jordan was dropped from his school basket ball team.


Do you think these people would have become famous if they did not have handicap? I would say doubtful. Handicaps and weaknesses actually strengthen our willpower and resolve. The best skater feels happier only when challenged. The hardest rock becomes a beautiful statue only when chiseled!


The best way to overcome terrible circumstances is to focus on our innate strengths.


N C Sridharan



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