[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th December 2010


Genuine confidence is a way of thinking about yourself and your abilities. Confidence is your perception of your own potential; it's a kind of long-term thinking that powers you through the obstacles and tough times, helping you solve problems and putting you in the way of success. Your confidence is quite a separate matter from your social skills.

~ John Eliot, Ph.D


Frankly speaking, after reading the above quotation, I checked the meaning of the term `social skill' and I am surprised about how powerful is the above quotation. Social skills are the skills required to transact business in the society such as presentation skill, communication skill, team building skill, assertiveness skill, motivation skill etc. A person may have all the required social skills, but may not have the self confidence to pursue his goal.


We all have our own capabilities which are special to us. We have our own unique strengths and we have the external world which can form as a platform to showcase our talents. But we should have the self confidence that we are capable. This is a state of mind. This is not a social skill.


We should have the self confidence that we have the innate capacity to overcome temporary setbacks and failures. We should have the self confidence that we have the ability to solve the problems that we may confront.


Just like we have to develop our social skills, we should also develop self confidence. These are two different portfolios which are equally important and they complement each other. One without the other is useless.  Having all the social skills without self confidence is useless. Similarly, we may have all the self confidence but we may lack in some of the basic social skills, which is also useless.


Over this week end, evaluate how you fare on the two most important and critical indices of self confidence and social skills!

N C Sridharan



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