[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


10th December 2010

`We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations'

Charles R. Swindoll

Just recall to your mind all the so called impossible things: a human beings cannot fly; a ship made of steel cannot float; a person cannot speak through wire; in movie the character cannot speak; a perishable food cannot be kept fresh for days together etc. Just think, are they impossible now? Did not someone see an opportunity hidden in each of the impossible situation?

It's all in the mind of the person. We have an option to see a glass as half full or half empty. It is up to us. We can notice a threat or an opportunity. If you look at any business situation, you will notice that ultimately business is a marriage between an opportunity and an idea.

Can you think of a world of only possibilities and no impossibilities? Will you feel excited to live in such a world? If yes, how long? What is life without challenges? If there are no challenges to be overcome, how can we market our skill or talent for a commercial reward?

Also consider a situation where the opportunities and capabilities are identical to anyone! If everyone can do anything as well as anybody, where is the motivation to outperform someone? We become mature when confronted with problems and impossibilities and not when we operate from a comfort zone. Only the bamboo which withstands heavy storms and winds grows into a strong tree.

One more exercise for this weekend: identify one task which you have been avoiding as impossible and list all the opportunities you will have if only you make it a possibility. Visualize your reaching the same and live that future life now. Meditate on this mental picture and notice the energy that you get!

N C Sridharan




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