[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th December 2010


`Real life isn't always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgement of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.

Sarah Ban Breathnach


I'm sure you've heard of how he interpreted his `failures'. He said that he did not fail one thousand times, but he succeeded in finding out which thousand filaments will not burn in an electric lamb! That is what makes great people. Every time they do something they are aware of the learning point it gives them.


When we fail we should acknowledge that we've failed and accept it. Once we accept our failure, we can reason out why we failed. We need to accept that it is we who failed and not others made us to fail. In fact we should be thankful to every failure than every success, since every failure makes us wiser.


Similarly our acknowledging every experience we go through in life is very important, whether good or bad. Our close friends may betray us; our business partner may cheat us; our kith and kin may let us down; our good and honest work may not be recognized. When any of these things happen, let us acknowledge the same and become wise.


Let us also acknowledge difficulties and problems. Great business ideas worked not only because the idea was intrinsically good, but the man who had the idea acknowledged the difficulties he will have while implementing the same.


I read somewhere that that the space craft of the first moon mission was off track 90 percent of the time and the NASA acknowledged the same and made course corrections all the time to make the historic moon landing!


Over this weekend, acknowledge all the difficulties you have and all the weaknesses you have. Also acknowledge all the threats you have. Then have a foolproof strategy!


N C Sridharan



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