[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


9th March 2012

"There is more to life than simply increasing its speed."
Mahatma Gandhi

We have to understand the above quotation in the right perspective. Life is not to be lived with a stop clock in hand. We have to enjoy life in all its dimensions. But, at the same time, we need to deliver the results expected from us in time.

In the highly competitive world, people are hard pressed for their valuable time. These days we have more things to do than our grand fathers had. They did not have to travel this much; they did not have so many entertainment channels to watch etc.  In short, they lived a simple life style. But most of us like a fast life, and if so we need to speed up.

If we have to enjoy life, we have to complete many activities in time and in the shortest period of time and hence I am writing these pages. We have to be much faster and quicker. Our output per unit of time has to be much more than in the past. This is called the personal productivity factor.

There are four factors which will reduce our personal productivity. They are: attitude, lack of training, lack of efforts, lack of competition and ignorance. 

Want to know how? Keep reading!

N C Sridharan



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