[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


28th March 2012

Its all about training your body and mind…

Ninety percent of my game is mental. It's my concentration that has gotten me this far. 
Chris Evert 

One day when Chuang Tzu was passing through a forest, he saw an old man catching circada insects effortlessly. He stopped and asked the old man how he was able to do so in spite of his age.

The old man replied that for six months he balanced one ball over another ball on a tick; then for the next six months he balanced three balls one over the other over a stick; over the next six months he practiced balancing four balls one over the other over a sick; for the next six months he balanced five balls one over the other over a tick. Still he was not satisfied with his power of concentration. Then he practiced standing like a trunk of a tree, but not satisfied about his ability to concentrate. At last he learnt to concentrate all his attention on catching circada insects. Only then he was able to catch the sircada insects so effortlessly. He said that when he is catching sircada insects, his mind does not think anything else!

Consider that old man's effort level to train his mind to focus on oneness with that of yours and evaluate your effort level!

Your mind is capable of focusing on your project if properly directed. We don't do it ultimately we blame the mind.

N C Sridharan



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