[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


19th March 2012

Necessity – the mother of not only invention, but also speed!

`Men try to run life according to their wishes; life runs itself according to necessity'

Jean Toomer

When we have to, we will and that is the beauty of the human talent. Like an iceberg, what remains hidden inside us is much more than what is seen outside. Unless and until we want, we will not improve our productivity.

At the same time, life is not just speed and pace of work. The only issue question is: do we want to be faster and even more effective.

Couple of years ago I was a part of an Indian delegation to Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, Japan to attend a seminar on Motivation for Productivity. We went to a pet food company call Shin Nippon Pet Food Company. There I noticed the symbol for quality circles as `S'. Normally companies use the letter `Q' as the symbol to refer to their quality improvement drives. Interested to know why this company used the letter `S', I asked the Managing Director of the company.

He said that the letter `S' represents `survival' and he said that the survival of the company depends on the quality of the product and services and hence the symbol `S'!

I was quite impressed about the logic!

In my productivity improvement seminars, I use an interesting example explain the link between survival and speed, but you have to wait for one more day to know it!

N C Sridharan



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