[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


21st March 2012

Unless you miss, you will not long for it!

`When something is missing in your life, it usually turns out to be someone'

Robert Brault

We have to take efforts to get anything in life. The more the effort, the more will be your success. It is not merely the amount of efforts, but the quality of effort that will decide your chances of success. The main question is: what will decide our effort level, perseverance and consistency of action?

In the first place you have to long for it. If you long for it, you will miss it and if you miss something you will long for it! It is more so in relationship building. If you miss someone you will yearn to meet that person. The more you miss the company of someone, the more effort you will take to reach out to him.

If you don't miss someone, distance will be a problem; health will be a problem; resources will be a problem; obstacles will be a problem. If you miss someone, all this will disappear from your mind.

Here's an exercise for your weekend. Take someone whom you have not met for some time and evaluate how much you miss him. Take another person whom you meet every day and evaluate how much you will miss him if he is not there!

You will understand what I mean in this piece!

N C Sridharan



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