[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


23rd March 2012

Discontent is the first necessity of progress.
Thomas A. Edison

I was reading an article on the website on how the Chinese children are trained in `sports schools' for getting Olympics gold medals. You can also log on to any search engines and read. The information you will come across will make you to understand what makes the Chinese sportsmen special: hard work and sacrifice.  

One of the factors which motivates most of the Chinese students is poverty. The parents realised that if they want their children to earn lot of money they have to work very hard to showcase their talents.

The history of the industrialization of Modern Japan tells you the same lesson. The Japanese who were devastated during the Second World War hated their poverty and declared a war against their poverty. The Japanese generation of elders who hated their poverty built the modern Japan with their sweat and hard work.

Contentment is fine to make you feel happy with what you have. But discontentment will motivate to take some unpleasant decisions and work painfully hard and prosper.

Over this weekend list three areas of your personal life in which you are not contended and how the same has affected the quality of your life. Ponder over this aspect of your life and notice what happens to your resolve to work hard!

N C Sridharan



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