[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


26th March 2012

`It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action'

Al Batt

We are all equal to notice of deviations, but what distinguishes the successful from the not so successful is the action plan and implementation to rectify what is to be rectified.

The whole world was shocked on what is called the `Bhopal gas tragedy' in which thousands of innocent people died due to the leakage of a poisonous gas and several thousands of people became disabled on the fateful night of December 2nd 1984. I read somewhere that an office boy noticed the gas leak from a valve, but he did not know how to close the valve. If only he had taken the necessary action, the tragedy could have been averted.

The same applies to our daily life. We should not only know what is going wrong, but also know what to do about it.

Over this weekend, list three things in your life which are going wrong. For example: `of late I have become lazy', `of late I over eat', `of late I procrastinate' etc. Against each of these statements, write one specific action you want to take to come out of that situation and review your plan of action over the next three weekends. You will understand what it means to getting up and taking action.

N C Sridharan



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