[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


2nd June 2012

Even a good idea may not work!

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere.
Lee Iacocca

You may have an excellent idea and you may also have all the intelligence to convert the idea into a tangible product and services. You may be excited about your product. The product and service that you offer may be really good.

Yet, there may be no takers for your product.

Last year I met a person who was so excited about a very useful book he was about to release. It was about how to appear before an interview board. The target audience was college students. He explained to me how he has presented the subject with demos and simple tips. He also got a retired person from the Civil Service to write the foreword. He said he was planning to sell about 100,000 copies of the book and use the revenue to found his own publishing company.

Last week I met him. He was a very disappointed man. He published his dream book. But there was no one to take the same. He is now having all the books in his house. He asked me why such an useful book did not sell?

I told him a Taoism story relevant to his experience. But you have to wait for a day to know what the story is!

N C Sridharan



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