[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


27th March 2012

A lifetime of training for just ten seconds. 
Jesse Owens

The other day I was having an interesting chat with a person who is a coach to the Indian cricket team who told me that even though from outside the life of top ranking cricketers appears to be enviable, they undergo a lot of pain to remain what they are. He said that in a year of 365 days, a top ranking cricketer has to be practicing for over 300 days and the balance 65 days he may be sick and hence not practicing!

I believe this since I have heard of similar things about Olympic and Wimbledon players. Those who climbed to the pinnacle of success did so by improving their skill to reach the world-class standards. This is true in any field.  

Just imagine what it means to face the world's fastest bowler delivering the ball at a speed of over 160 kilometers per hour! To face and deflect a ball which arrives at such a great speed to the boundary, the batsman has to hit the ball to travel at over 80 kilometers per hour! This does not come, by merely sitting and dreaming about wanting to become a world-class cricketer!

I have an interesting story to tell from Taoism! Curious to know it? Wait!

N C Sridharan



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