[Time-Management] And here is the balance for the year!


1st March 2013

Image: Pleasant

Be pleasant until ten in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself.

Elbert Hubbard

Have you not come across people who are very pleasant to move with? I am sure you have. Such people carry a constant smile on their face. They do not get irritated. They do not shout at people around them.  You would also come across people who are just the opposite of the above image. I have come across people who get angry even for small things.

If you are a perfectionist you may feel disappointed even if the reality is little short of your standards and you may get irritated. Similarly if your expectations are high, you are in for disappointments, small or big. We also imbibe such traits from our parents.

A pleasant personality is an attractive quality. By practice we can unlearn and change this trait if we are sincere since it involves attitude change. You cannot fake a pleasant personality by putting on a pleasant facial expression!

Here is one idea. For the next twenty one days, be conscious about your inner feelings and outer behaviour. Whenever you are about to flare up, control yourself and calm down. Try this for an hour to start with and slowly increase the duration. You will notice a change in yourself!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] The Story of the Little Red Hen!


28th February 2013

You cannot delegate?

You may say that you do not know how to get things done by others. Or, you may complain that others may not listen to you. You may be right. But listen to this story of the Little Red Hen!

Watch Episode No. 32. Follow this link:


If you like this, please pass it on to others.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Delegate and grow!


27th February 2013

Do not do, but delegate!

You cannot do all the jobs yourself. You should use your people to do it for you. But we may be afraid that they will not do the job to our expectations. In this episode I have discussed how we should train our people. You will like this. Follow this link:


Please pass on this information to others.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] The Universal Marketing Principle!


27th February 2013

I am sure most of us want to make money, if not all of us! There are two simple tips to make money! Watch Episode No. 31 and the link is given below:


I am sure you will like this. If you find these episodes useful, please share with others.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] And here is the balance for the year!


27th February 2013

Image: Promptness!

Promptness is the soul of business

Lord Chesterfield

Timeliness is an important quality which manifests itself through various behaviours. For example if you value timeliness you will be punctual. You will value time. You will not waste your time as well as the time of others.

On another important manifestation of timeliness is promptness.

Have you seen people who are very prompt in their response? I know a lawyer whom I admire for this quality. The other day I asked him for a book and he said he will send the same the next day. True to his personality and image the book was on my table the next day! I did not have to remind him!

I have another friend of mine who will greet me on my birthday and wedding day very promptly. He has been doing this for the past twenty years and there has not been even one year where he missed to greet me, whether he was in India or abroad!

I had always admired my father who used to drop a postcard to his friends on important occasions. His letter will take them by surprise, not because of the content, but because of the promptness!

How do you fare on this important personality trait?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] 18 Episodes only on Children Education (Tamil)


Dear readers,


I am excited to share with you that I have uploaded 18 episodes only on education on the YouTube and I give below the details. The Hindi version will be uploaded shortly followed by the English version. I am sure you will find them useful. Please pass on this information to others.

NC Sridharan



(Uploaded on YouTube)


Episode 1 :   Why is there such a rush for good schools?


With the opening of Indian economy to global market, exciting opportunity awaits our children. Parents have a much bigger responsibility! NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeIMxQm0_NA



Episdoe 2 :   Your Child is an Einstein!


Every child is a born Genius! They have amazing talents waiting to be tapped. Every child is a Gold Mine! NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QOBbKtSKuE



Episode 3 :   What makes the difference between a good and an average student?


All children have the same brain configuration. Yet they do not perform the same way! Why is this difference? The role of the mind in education and learning. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvMuMjM6nnI



Episode 4:    What is that factor which influences the mind of children?


If the brain triggers behaviours and actions, if the mind is responsible for the brain function, what is that factor which directs the mind? NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j2HDhzicQE



Episode 5 :   What factors influneces the 'Buddhi' of children?


The children should be brought up so that they are mature enough to distinguish between the good and the bad. In this episode I have given what will give them that maturity. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpwk0hjxMEY



Episode 6 :   What stands in the way to education? What is NLP?


Parents may desire their children to become great. But unless this desire is transferred to the mind of the children, it will not take place. In this episode, NLP is explained in simple terms. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfednCpAwOI










Episode 7 :   How to make children to speak in English?


Some parents complain that their children do not speak in English even though they are studying in good English medium schools. This episode explains how this issue can be handled. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCpwWhC1Jqw



Episode 8 :   How to develop reading habits in children?


Children should read extra books. For this parents should develop the reading habit in them. This episode explains how to do this. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc4Dr6CY37c



Episode 9 :   Why good handwrting and how to improve the same?


A good handwriting is the result of systematic practice. This episode explains why is it important and how to improve the same. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuEWRLUu654



Episode 10 : Dyslexia No Problem!


Dyslexia is a learning difficulty. It can be handled with a positive mental attitude of the parents and children. This episode explains how. NCS





Episode 11 : How to discipline children assertively?


Indiscipline is natural. Discipline has to be enforced tactfully without affecting the self image and self respect of children. This episode will explain how to do it. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVDW9UMKq2o



Episode 12  :What will happen if children are beaten?


Beating will alter the brain efficiency. This episode will explain this! NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcuwftwZ2X4



Episode 13  :Can we send hiper active children to boarding schools?


Some parents want to send their children to boarding schools since they are not able to control them. This episode explains how to deal with this issue. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqal0ofFF1Y




Episode 14  :There is no such thing as poor memory!


We have amazing and unbelievable memory capacity. What we have to do is understanding the hardware and software of the memory system. This episode explain this principle. NCS


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMjDiYqrQhE



Episode 15  :Yoga and education. NCS


We have to integrate the powers of the mind and the brain. We also have to use the hidden powers of the Right Side of the brain and make it work in tandem with the Left Side of the brain. Yoga is a tool to achieve this. This episode explains this concept.


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LrplZgdO5A



Episode 16  :Time management for children.


Investing the available time on important and useful is a very important skill. This episode explains the basics of time management.


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlDk1YEkq84



Episode 17  :What is Multiple Intelligence?


Every child has one of the eight different types of intelligence. The parents and school should find out channelise the same. This episode tells you how to do it.


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxTXLmZfvfc



Episode 18  :The Right and the Left Side of the brain!


We have two sides for our brain - the Right and the Left. Each has its own specialisation. This episode gives some idea about the Split Brain principle.


URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIDB8xvA5-Q




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