[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


3rd May 2010

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.

Christopher Parker

Time and timeliness are the essence of life. Anything which is done out of tune with time and context has no value. There is a time for everything and whether we like it or not we have to accept it. Liking a thing is different and accepting the same is different. We will all accept that we have to do everything in time, but will not like it. The reason is simple: we like doing anything which gives us happiness and postpone a thing which deprives us happiness.

Discipline calls for a mindset to accept the pain and suffering of doing certain code of conduct and an action plan. Since this mindset is painful, we avoid doing the action which is expected from us. This is just like using a credit card. It gives us happiness. But an intelligent person will be careful in using his credit card. He will be disciplined and will know when and how to use his credit card. The happiness that you get when you receive the bill is more important than the happiness you experience when you use the credit card! If you are indiscriminate and undisciplined while using the credit card, even though you will feel happy at that time, you will be shocked and feel unhappy when you get the final bill.

Procrastination is like that. It will give you a temporary happiness and you will feel relaxed and will enjoy it. But you will go through a lot of anxiety and restlessness when you start experience the result of procrastination. The ultimate aim of life is to have permanent fun and not temporary fun and enjoyment.

N C Sridharan



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