[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th May 2010

"The reason why most people face the future with apprehension instead of anticipation is because they don't have it well designed."

-- Jim Rohn

Just imagine you are designing an automobile or a furniture. Or for that matter you are designing the house you are going to live for a long time. You will consider various parameters and spend considerable amount of thinking to ensure that its utility is enhanced. How comfortable and elegant is the thing will depend on how much time you have spent in designing the same. The amount and quality of your mental visualization will decide how it will come out in reality.

The same thing applies to designing your life. Like your house has various rooms such as the drawing room the kitchen, dining room etc., you have various roles in your life. You would want each part of your house to be well designed and comfortable. You would discuss with others and seek their ideas. Similarly, you are designing your various roles in life such as your role as executive, father, husband, etc. Just like you spend your resources such as time and money to design your drawing room, you also `invest' your time to shaping your career, your family life etc.

The most important point is if you make a mistake in the design of your house, you can always redesign and alter and such mistakes will not cause a permanent damage to you. But if you commit a mistake in the design of your future, the damage can be serious. You may not be able to rectify some damages.

Perhaps it will be a good idea to ponder over the above comparison.

N C Sridharan



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