[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


10th May 2010

Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.

– Dale Carnegie

We are governed and directed by our attitudes. Attitudes are what makes a person a unique character. Our attitude decides our habits and the actions that follow our habits. We cannot bring about a permanent change in our behaviour without altering our attitude.

Let us take the habit of giving attention to details. It is not just behaviour. It is a frame of mind. If we develop a mindset to do even a small job well, the same mindset will help us to do a big job well. It is about training our mind like the way we formed our handwriting or the way we learnt how to walk. We decide a set of rules and ensure that we abide by them.

As mentioned elsewhere, a habit is formed by the interaction of three parameters: how to do a thing, why to do a thing and the desire to do a thing. This principle applies to developing a mindset to do any job well. We have to devote a time every day to train our mind. Set aside ten minutes a day for this portfolio. Take up a small job like cleaving polishing your shoes. Focus only on the task on hand. Look at the shoe, the brush and the polish. Be conscious that you want to do it exceedingly well and do it that way. Next day set aside ten minutes to clean up your table and concentrate all your mind and do it well. On the third day take up another simple task and do it well.

Do this exercise for thirty days and notice if there is a change in your attitude of giving attention to details!

N C Sridharan



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