[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th May 2010

"You cannot tailor-make the situations in life, but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise."

Zig Ziglar

Just think for a while. Can you look for an ideal road so that you can drive your vehicle comfortably? If you do so, you will not be able to drive at all no matter how good is your vehicle and how good a driver you are! The same principle applies to our life also. A good driver will drive his car safely no matter how bad is the road or how unpredictable is the traffic. He does not depend on the external conditions, but on his internal ability. He will constantly update his driving skills anticipating bad road and traffic conditions/

Similarly, in life also the external circumstances may not be in our control. How we adapt ourselves to the external conditions is very important. If you observe how an entrepreneur deals with the unpredictable market condition, you will understand what I mean. In the same business environment one person succeeds and another person fails. It's about how tactful you are.

We should also learn from the sports personalities. They bank on their own abilities to conquer the competitor and win the game. They don't wait for an ideal situation to come up to win.

One factor which will help you to implement the above principle is your attitude. You need to develop such attitude which will help you to convert every threat into an opportunity and every failure as a learning experience.

N C Sridharan



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