[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


12th May 2010

It's a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. 

– William Somerset Maugham

It's all in our mind to persevere or not. We can give up if we want. If we want we can fight. Else, we can find an excuse. We have to make up our mind. The issue has to be decided by us. The quality of our life is decided by us.

What is best has a context. Look at the best product design now and compare how the same was presented some twenty years ago. Notice the development of the automobile or a type writer. When they were produced, the R&D felt that they produced the best design. But they continued to research and constantly improved. They were driven by a survival instinct. If they had not continued their search for improvement, they would have been sidelined by people who are better. In the era of perfect competition, we need to ask two important questions: am I fit for today and am I better for tomorrow? If we do not ask this question day in and day out we will not exist tomorrow.

We need to have extraordinary people and products as our bench mark. Only then we will have the desire and the drive to constantly innovate and improve our performance. We need to ask the following questions to ourselves every day before going to bed:

·        Did I put in my best effort today?

·        Did I produce my best result to day?

·        Did I get the best result to day?

·        If the answer to the above is `no' how am I going to correct myself?

Try the above exercise for a week or ten days and notice the difference in what you get in your life!

N C Sridharan



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