[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th May 2010

The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made.

John Schaar

In a factory there is a practice called maintenance shut down when all the machines are stopped and the production comes to a standstill. There will be no dispatch of any finished product. All the production employees will avail their holiday. After a week or ten days everyone will return to work.

The irony in life is the fact we are always creating a wonder product called our future day in day out. We do it every minute and ever second or every nanosecond. Every thought that we entertain in our mind produces a specific action plan every action we pursue in our life shapes our life. In fact we indulge in two types of actions, the physical action and the mental action. We are able see the physical action, which is visible to the external world. What is not visible is the mental action which is our thought process.

If we are indulging in an inappropriate physical action, such deviations will be noticed and the laws of the society will correct us. For example, if we are smoking in a non smoking zone, we will be checked and if we persist in doing the same, we will be punished. But what is even more dangerous is our inappropriate mental actions which may not be seen and noticed by others. Since they are not seen by others, they will not be corrected, and we will indulge in matching inappropriate actions which will affect our life and future. A wrong thought process will make us to take wrong decisions and wrong decisions will doom our future.

We have to understand that everyday we are making our own path to our future and no one makes it for us!

N C Sridharan



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